Research and Innovation


Research, publications and innovations play an important role in all institutions of higher learning for the generation of knowledge, discovery of novel ideas, and betterment of mankind. Without intensive involvement in research publications and innovations, the knowledge-bearing tree of a faculty will shrivel and wither in the heat of ignorance and obsolescence. In tandem with this, the Research, Publications and Innovations Unit was established in 2013 to oversee and intensify research and publication efforts of the School.

A comprehensive directory of expertise has been developed to assist the university, the school and industrial players in executing collaborative research and innovation which are beneficial to all parties. This directory of expertise is based on research clusters which are in line with the strengths and niche areas of the school. These clusters include management and entrepreneurship, finance and Islamic finance, accounting, marketing and retail management and economics. There is also information about research projects and publications that have been carried out by the staff of the school.

Apart from that, the school has also actively contributed to the society and industries in the form of consultations and advisory projects. These projects are also a symbol of hand-in-hand collaborations between the school and the society ultimately establishes harmonious linkages between all parties.